Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts
Designing Tranquil Wellness
Client Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts
Category Design
Industry Hospitality

Embark on a journey of well-being at The Spa, nestled within Shangri-La Jeddah. It’s a sojourn that intertwines the nurturing embrace of Asian traditions with cutting-edge methodologies, curating a tapestry of therapies aimed at bestowing personal serenity and boundless joy.


Shangri-La Jeddah’s spa and wellness offerings stand as a testament to meticulous design, merging the core tenets of the Shangri-La brand with a holistic haven for modern urbanites. This distinctive fusion stirred the very essence of inspiration that shaped the agency’s creative approach, breathing life into the spa brochure.


The agency embarked on a journey to harmonize aesthetics with contemporary design trends. Their execution strategy was akin to a choreographed dance, ensuring that each page flip was an engagement in itself. Striking images and captivating design compelled the reader to explore further, creating an immersive experience.


The culmination of this creative endeavor manifested in a meticulously crafted collateral piece. It seamlessly harmonized with Shangri-La Jeddah’s spa and wellness offerings, transforming into a visual advocate for those seeking unrivaled relaxation and rejuvenation in a world-class setting. This case study celebrates the union of design and wellness, inviting readers to immerse themselves in a narrative of serenity and transformation.